Bladder Health
It's important to take care of your bladder and practice healthy bathroom etiquette. This includes going to the bathroom regularly (5-8 times a day), drinking water throughout the day (though the amount varies for everyone; you don’t need to drink half your body weight in water, as this can actually confuse your bladder muscles and cause incontinence), and completely emptying your bladder when you use the restroom.
Here’s a bladder reference guide for you to follow:
Void every 2-4 hours during waking hours.
Sleep through the night. You should not need to wake up to void (unless you are pregnant, over 65, or have a medical condition that causes frequent urination).
Sit on the seat, relax, and breathe; do not push aggressively.
Consider using a step or squatty potty to ensure the recommended hip and lumbar position.
Stay hydrated and drink water throughout the day.
Consider reducing or eliminating irritants if you experience regular leaks. These irritants include caffeine, teas, alcohol, carbonated beverages, and acidic and spicy foods.
“Just because” pee.
“Power pee,” or push the pee out.
Let constipation go untreated, as it can put pressure on your bladder.
Do Kegel contractions on the toilet; you should be relaxing your pelvic floor.
Run to the bathroom at every urge. You are in control of your bladder.
Limit fluids during your waking hours to avoid bathroom trips.